My 2024 Goals

Traditionally I haven’t liked New Year resolutions, and I am probably going to sound hypocritical when I share that I’ve set some new 2024 goals for myself. I don’t particularly view them as resolutions or absolutes, but instead goals that I’d like to work toward and see take root in my life. Many of these involve my career as an author and potential editor, while others are of a more personal nature.

1.) Complete She Who Brought Death and announce its release date
This one is perhaps my major goal of 2024. I’m over halfway finished with the first draft of She Who Brought Death, though I know major changes are needed for the storyline to match my vision. However, I think it is realistic to aim for its completion this year, especially since I have promised that this book would launch the winter of 2024/2025. If you’re not already, check out my Instagram or sign up for my newsletter for regular updates and snippets.

2.) Carve more time for mindfulness
If you know me personally–or study me between the lines–it has probably become apparent that I have generalized anxiety. This encapsulates many aspects of my life, social anxiety ranking high up there on my list. I always feel better and more engaged with my world when I take time for silence, peace, and meditation practices. Carving time to truly be mindful and present. This is definitely a change that I want to implement more in my life.

3.) Less is more
Following a similar mode of thought to the previous point, I would like to practice a “less is more” approach to life. My wardrobe is filled with clothes, many of which are styles that I don’t like, don’t fit, or are in need of great repair. Having a handful of my favorite outfits would probably fill me with more joy than a closet full of choices that don’t even fit me. Instead of having hundreds of coloring pens, only having a single box of my favorites would offer less overwhelming choices. There’s so much clutter throughout my house of tools for every need, buckets and bins of my daughter’s toys, and plenty of everything for every situation. It’s more than can or should be enjoyed, and I want to cut back. I want less in my life. I’m not talking about going minimalist, but I would like to truly appreciate what we have, and experience gratitude for the small things.

4.) Take time for self-care
I am a busy mom to a young child and two kittens. Need I say more? Anyone in a similar boat gets it, and even those who aren’t probably get it, too. I throw my hair in a messy bun all too often, I give myself manicures next to never. I never use facial cleanser (gasp, I know!) or make-up. I want to change that. I want to take that epsom salt bath, actually use a facial cleanser instead of snatching that body wash, and take the time that I need to feel human and presentable instead of the messy rush that I force myself into each day. This fits into earlier points, as well, and I think the theme goes together nicely.

5.) Engage more with the writing and reading community
That’s you guys! I want to engage more with you. I want to share content with you, both on my personal and professional life, and talk more with you and get to know you. The best way to do that? On Instagram or Twitter. If you want to chat me up, message me on either platform and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m able! I am especially intrigued to hear what you’re reading, and add more to my never-ending TBR. 🙂

6.) Start professional beta reading and editing?
Yes, that question mark was deliberate. I’m contemplating the idea of offering professional beta reading and editing services to the writing community. I have beta read several projects for authors, and I feel that I have the knack for the process and can offer insightful feedback. I enjoy it, I love helping, but it is very time-consuming, and I have had to withdraw my aid because I just don’t have the time or finances to dedicate myself in the manner in which I would like to. As such, I am considering opening up the possibility of beta reading for a small fee. That way I can both help other authors and keep fueling my Internet bills.

As for editing, it has always been a dream right there next to writing and publishing, so it is something that I’m heavily considering pursuing.

7.) Limit myself to reading two ARCs this year
Last year I read many ARCs by so many talented, wonderful indie authors. I love supporting other authors, but sadly I spent most of my time reading ARCs last year that it felt like a commitment and I didn’t get to read books that have been on my TBR that I really, really wanted to delve into. As such, I am limiting myself. I will try to take just two ARCs this year, not including the ones that I had already committed to that have been drawn into this year.

I secretly feel this will be the first goal that I’ll abandon.

That’s only some of my 2024 goals. What are yours?!

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